Health Equity
We advocate 'Health for All' per World Health Organization's goal. We align with the United Nation's SDG road map to drive change and improve population health outcomes globally.
Education Equity
Our multifaceted educational programs are geared to equip individuals to reach their full potential and become the main character of their stories. We advocate for equitable education in rural/marginalized communities.
Ascending Health Foundation (AHF)
Ascending Health Foundation (AHF) is a Non-governmental Organization(NGO) incorporated with the Corporate Affairs Commission in Nigeria. AHF is an affiliate of Bridging-Health Intl (BHI). Together we work collaboratively to drive the overall organizational Mission and Vision.
A book titled "Inequality in a Rapidly Changing World" published by World Health Organization (UN) , highlighted the deeper divide in rural communities. It further reports an increase in the number of out-of-school children in rural areas of Nigeria (UN, 2020).